Conchs - acclimating or dead? AND sand question...


New Member
I bought a conch today, and I accidentally dropped it in my tank when my hand was above the live rock, and the little guy tumbled several times down the rock before landing on the sand. For the first two-or-so hours, he just sat there, eyes down, and I was so sad that I could have hurt him!
Then, he burrowed a few inches over and under the sand and has been there for the last five hours. If he hasn't moved by morning, should I check him out - how will I know if he's dead or alive? AND, if he makes it, how much/deep sand do they NEED in order to be happy? Thanks!


Active Member
Did you drip acclimate him for two hours? Then float him for 15-20 minutes for temp acclimate. If not that probably did him in. Inverts need a long acclimation.


Active Member
conchs are strong animals.. if he is int he sand leave him alone.. i have i beleive 7 conchas .. crown, fighting and queen,, and osmetimes iw ont see them for a month or so then they will pop up out of the sand.. i do have a deep sand ed so they probably do love it down there...
also since this is in the reef tank section .. make sure its not a crown conch you have because they will eat clams