Oh no, don't get me wrong!! The people are all very nice, but sadly misinformed. Every single tank in the place has a diseased fish when I go, but it's not surprising since all the tanks are on one filtration system. They have a Yellow Tang in their coral tank (center row, back 2nd to last tank on left), any way this tangs health is so poor that the widest part of it's body is it's eyeballs!!! When I pointed it out to a sales person, they had the audacity to tell me it's supposed to look like that. When I told him he was wrong and that if that fish were a puppy that store would be shut down, he changed his story and said it was a resue. I can understand why they think the way they do, because ALL of there yellow tangs looked poor! When I was new to the hobby, I got my damsels from there (it was all I knew at the time) they ALL had lymphocystis. The sales guy told me to do a freshwater dip...he said that any spots on fish is ick, and different people all call it different stuff!! (Incase you don't know, lymph has no known cure and it is not a parasite) All the YT (when I wanted one) had the same disease, along with fin and tail rot. Now remember, there are all on the same filtration. The clowns had ick when I was ready for one of those... Needless to say, I didn't get my fish from there, but they have a beautiful display going on so I keep going back to see if they ever got any real sales people yet. Hi-Tide is good, Even tropic pets on Wilkinson Blvd is good!! But the last time I was in Fintastic, I left nauseated. Should I go on???
I hate to see fish mistreated, it's stupid I know but I love my hobby and my fish, so when I see caretakers talking about their sales for the day (they are on commission) instead of tending to their livestock who desperately needs it, then I get irritated!