conditioning bivalves to spawn, tank set-up?

happy scallop

New Member
Hi there,
Would be great to hear from anyone who has sucessfully held bivalves (scallops in my case) in a recirculated saltwater tank to condition them for spawning.
I'm doing a small pilot trial in Scotland on a hobby farm scale and need some tank set-up pointers. I'll be holding 4 king scallops in a 114L tank, plan to use chiller, peristalic pump feed for algae, but have conflicting advice on what type of filtration to use (if any). I'm told a protein skimmer will interfere with the algae food supply in the water, also have had tips for me to do 10% drain down and top-up daily to keep the water of good quality.
If I could say one thing here; it will take approx. 7 weeks to condition the scallops, so it's not like the tank will be in continuous use for a long period.
Would anyone like to offer some input as to how to keep the water in the tank for 7 weeks of good quality? Do I need a skimmer or some other kind of filtration?
look forward to some input,
cheers the noo ;-)