conditioning bivlaves to spawn, anyone done it?

happy scallop

New Member
hi there,
New to this forum and my saltwater hobby project is conditioning scallops in a saltwater marine tank to spawn.
Sort of feeling my way around, but it would be great to be in contact with anyone that has done this before?
I've got a post in aquaculture, but any help with tank set-up, and specifics to do with filtration would be great. Food supply is sorted, the larvae rearing, well...I'll come back to that...
Main thing is tank will be in use for 7 weeks only, so would daily top-ups be enough to keep the water clean enough. Please feel free to add any objective input.
thx folks,


Well-Known Member
Ask Candycane, though he won't give you all of the information in "specific digits" Him and his colleagues writing a research paper on spawning and larval rearing of giant clams. I'm sure he can help you out!