condy acting strangely


New Member
Hi there...Just a got a condy from - I haven't had one before. Initially he moved around a little bit, but now he's settled deep down into the rock so I can't really see him at all.
I thought these guys liked light? I don't have MH, just some bright ultra-compact/actinic lights - I was hoping to feed him more, to offset the lights (if they're not bright enough).His tentacles are poking out a bit between the rocks- just thought it a little odd. I've had him since Friday.
Thanks for any advice. :)
Tank specs are as follows:
.75 gallon reef tank
Turbo Skimmer in sump tank
80 lbs of live rock (I'm working on more!)
I've had the tank for almost two years, but it fell apart over the last few months due to personal tragedy, so I'm attempting to build it back up :D


Active Member
This is probably normal behaviour for a condy especially in it's new environment. Mine would stretch out to the size of a salad plate and retract to the size of a golf ball with a couple purple stings hanging out. They will move til they find a comfortable spot also. Research them a little as the contracting and expanding are for reasons of health and health maintenance, expelling waste etc. but probably normal behaviour.