Condy Anenome



I have done some research and I have discovered that a Condy Anenome does not require alot of lighting. Can I get one? Will it kill my fish or anything else in my tank? Pro's and Con's please. :D


Maybe. Mine always seemed to vanish behind the live rock in the tank. But one of my tomato clowns actually took to it, but i think the clown was to big because it seemed to wallow sorta hard in the anemone. After 2 vanished without a trace I sorta ceased to buy anymore because now i don't really condone the collection of wild anemones, because of the captive mortality rates, and thier very low reproductive rates, and the loss of a clownfish habitat every time one is harvested, buy hey it's justmy opinion everyones welcome to thiers!
I bought two because they were not very expensive for the size....I thought one had died because it shrunk up to about the size of a quarter gumball with it's tentacles all retracted in, so I threw him away. Well, needless to say...he was not deceased, so now I am not allowed to throw anything away in the aquarium without the approval of my son and husband. LOL
I don't think I was feeding mine often enough, I am missing 4 damsels with him as the prime suspect. I started feeding him more often and we have no more missing fish. I feed him a shrimp from the grocery store broken into 3-4 pieces every other day and he is happy.
I am really enjoying having him in the tank...he is quite a character. Seems easy to keep so far.


Active Member
Condi's are not fish eaters - in fact damsels are considered anemone fishes (although condi's typically don't attrack anomone fishes).
My oscellaris clown took to mine and yes - this is an Atlantic anemone that doesn't light high lighting.
As far as your damsels - Check for a Mantis Shrimp


i have 2 in my tank and neither have bothered any of my fish.. 1 stays out front where everyone can see it and the other is kinda shy only comes out when it wants to eat :D
We have a rather large condy with a crab and he is an interesting thing to watch. Our Sebae clown brings him the pellets we drop in the tank for the banded and cleaner shrimp. However, we purchased a Marron Golden Striped clown from a dealer with a immaculate reputation and it was either stung by the anemone or died of a body slime it overproduced due to being away from anenomes for toolong. But to make a long story short, condy was moved into another tank and he is doin just fine. He is easy to tak care of and he dominates out 10gal mim reef tank. :)
condylactus won't bother your fish. personally it may be a while before i get another one because i've bought i think two and both just vanished.


What kind of lighting do you guys have? I want one but I don't want him to die and I hope my clowns like him.
They feed the condy at the LFS with feeder fish...that's what makes me think he ate my damsels. Has been 5 weeks with no more losses since I started feeding shrimp every other day.
Having a scientific mind....the logical conclusion would be he was the culprit.