condy question


I have a 55 and have a condy, bulb, and sebae in there. They all get along fine and have been very stable.
I have recently put in a PC 4 X 65 and they seem to be very happy.
My condy has darkened (a brownish color) is still doing very well, at least it appears to be. I have been feeding all of them Marine Snow regularly. Is this a good sign?
The condy though, which survived a nasty spurt nitrates (now resolved), has recently appeared to have little bumps on the sides of it's tentacles (ok I'm sure that's not the correct term). At first I thought it almost looked like the arms were splitting into additional and some still look like that. However, some have these and they look like they are about to fall of, almost like a clown making a blown animal (twisting the tail until it's so small that it could pop right off).
I haven't seen this before, Is this ok?


i think its fine.... i have one too and it does the same thing with the twisting of the tentecles but they go back to normal in acouple hours. i dont know if its ok or not but mine is doing great. i think this happens when they eat, they accidently bite into themselfs but im not sure.


I'm not sure if the bulb's on the anemone is strictly during it's feeding.
However, is the dark coloration in the condy (the sebae and bulb are white still) normal?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkvreef
I'm not sure if the bulb's on the anemone is strictly during it's feeding.
However, is the dark coloration in the condy (the sebae and bulb are white still) normal?
Bought my condi white with purple tips and it now has the brownish color in the body which is a good sign.


Active Member
Thanks alot!!!
About a year and a half. Wish I could do the full tank shot thing but it's an old corner tank with the three seperate pieces of glass in the front so it looks like poopoo in a full tank picture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by arsen_36
oh, well great job with your tank. do you have any percs in you tank as well?

No, the pair of GSM clowns would destroy them. The only time I see my two clowns act aggressive is when they see their own reflection on the glass. Any other fish is fine, but another clown is out of the question for sure. Unless you count my clown goby.


one more question if you dont mind. do the anemone's have to be on a smooth rock in order to be comfortable or can it be rough? will it harm the anemone if it's on a jagged portion of my LR?


Active Member
They creep slowly across the rockwork when moving so you don't have to worry about them harming themselves as long as they can't make their way to a powerhead. I've had two anemones and both found a cut out in the rock to put their foot in.