I have an atlantic condy (tan with bright orange base) which my domino damsel started to host with. When I purchased a nice size clarkii, it pushed the domino out, eventully stressing it to the point it got terminal ick (and died), and the clarkii has been hosting in it since (about 6-7 months now).
Originally, the anemone was in a great spot right near the front glass of my tank. About a week ago, during the night, it "walked" to the back of the tank behind a large piece of coral and has been there every since -- the clarkii followed it. (Very hard to see it now...I'm considering picking it up and moving it back to the front of the tank, so I can see it better)
I find it interesting that the clarkii seems to "bother" the anemone sometimes with its "snuggling" action, causing the anemone to shring and close up. After an hour or so it reopens, and the clarkii returns.