condylactis questions


ok i was wondering if clown fish are able to live in condylactis because i was told by my lfs that it cant happen, is this true?? also what can i do to induce it to stick to stuff? one of mine just floats around and is in a different area of my tank every day. Also, is it bad if 2 anenomes touch eachother?! Thanks.


Active Member
Condy anemones can host clownfish, but they aren't natural hosts in the wild because condy's come from the Atlantic Ocean and clowns come from the Pacific.
Does the floating anemone always float around, or is it attached to a rock part of the time?
If they are the same species, then it is ok for two anemones to touch each other.


well both both of them are conds but on has a pink base and the other one has a white base, the one with the wite base likes to float all over. its not like floating up in the weter but it gets all over the tank and i dont think i have seen it on a rock once. just on my crushed coral.


Just a point of view.
Crushed coral is not the best choice when having any anemone, its sharp and could cause damage to them.
Condi's are basically tumble weed anemones, some of them just tumble around and around.
They are also from the Atlantic ocean and not natural hosts for Pacific clownfish which Viper 930 has already stated.
They also prefer temps a bit cooler than pacific anemones so this does not make them a good choice for reef tanks.
Problem is there are cheap and folks just don't know better and think that they are a cheap solution to host with there clowns. Not always so. Some folks do have some luck with there clowns taking to the condy, but many do not.
In the future I would suggest changing the crushed coral to sand, and if you have the proper lighitng I would go with a bubble tip anemone which can host many species of clownfish.


Active Member
It may be possible that it is in search of light. What are you running? My condi (a salvation project) is under 96w coralife in my 10g, and attached to a piece of LR five minutes after I put him in. My two percs want nothing to do with him......which is alright in my book. They are still interesting specimens for the tank.


I have it under 130 watts of light. and I know I shouldn't have crushed coral but it was a beginners mistake.


Active Member
I have a condy with a clarkii that hosts with him. I never had trouble with him moving around. Now my Green bubble is a different story. He moved around for about 2 weeks until he found a good spot.


I have an atlantic condy (tan with bright orange base) which my domino damsel started to host with. When I purchased a nice size clarkii, it pushed the domino out, eventully stressing it to the point it got terminal ick (and died), and the clarkii has been hosting in it since (about 6-7 months now).
Originally, the anemone was in a great spot right near the front glass of my tank. About a week ago, during the night, it "walked" to the back of the tank behind a large piece of coral and has been there every since -- the clarkii followed it. (Very hard to see it now...I'm considering picking it up and moving it back to the front of the tank, so I can see it better)
I find it interesting that the clarkii seems to "bother" the anemone sometimes with its "snuggling" action, causing the anemone to shring and close up. After an hour or so it reopens, and the clarkii returns.