confirm urchin ID please


Active Member
I believe this is Allocentrotus fragilis, but just want to double check with others so I can be sure.


from the research i did that looks about right. Allocentrotus fragilis the fragile red sea urchin.


Active Member
that looks cool is that its true color? ive never seen an urchin that was so pink before.


Active Member
Do you have a cold water tank? I believe it is a colder water species?
IMO, perhaps more reasonably something like Lytechinus variegatus, a common tropical species in the hobby, though a rather unusual color. the spines do not seem long enough, and I think the body shape is a little flattened in Allocentrotus fragilis.


Active Member
thanks for the reply ophuria, I wasnt sure, and that was the closest image I could find, as well as color. So I was shooting in the dark, the label said "rose urchin" uh huh....