Confused about a protein skimmer


I hear all these threads about what protein skimmers but i dont know what they are for can someone kinda explain to me how they work and if i should have one?!!?! thanks


I"m not too sure, but I'll give it a try. They are used for mechanical filtration, they create foaming, and large particles adhere to the foam and then get removed by the skimmer. I think that's how it happens.


They are a trying to mimic the ocean in how their are foaming waves coming onto the beach. The heavily oxygenated waters, swirling about, foaming, adheres to dissolved organics in the water. Removing them from the aquarium/ocean before they convert to ammonia and into the nitrogen cycle.
So in our aquariums they allow us to remove much of the organic waste before it goes into our biological filtration.
-to the best of my knowledge.



Originally posted by Kipass4130
save up your pennies... and go ahead and buy a nice one.
Most people go thru several cheap skimmers that turn out to be crap before they buy a nice one.
Save your time and money and get a euro-reef from the start.
You wont be dissapointed.

Where were you a year ago?!?!


I am fussing and fighting with a berlin and a seaclone.
Feel my pain.
I am planning on ordering a euroreef 8-2 as soon as I make sure it will fit the tank I want for a sump.


I clipped this article from www.***********.com so that we all can read it and understand it better....
Protein skimmers are filters generally reserved for saltwater environments. Protein skimmers remove the proteins and other organic waste from the aquarium before being digested by the bacteria. This slows down the build-up of nitrates, lengthens the time between water changes, and prevents algae build-up, all of which contribute to better water conditions. By removing wastes prior to biological breakdown, more oxygen will be available to the inhabitants since it was not consumed in the biological process. Higher oxygen and lower waste levels add a great deal to the overall health of the aquarium making the purchase of a skimmer well worth it.