Confused about ich


Okay, I bought three pounds of live rock to add to tank. It was cured but I wanted to qt it just in case. It did not smell. I placed in bucket with salt water with heater and powerhead. It stayed in there for three days and then realized that I could just place in tank. I moved some rock around, two pieces and placed in the new small pieces. I am not sure but it looked like I saw two spots on coral beauty. I have not had ich in tank for three months. Did ich come in via the rock or was ich in the tank and the rock change stressed out the fish making him susceptible. I am qt all new fish to make sure I dont transport anything bad in. I will be pissed if three small pieces contaminated tank or if three small pieces stressed fish out that much...I guess I will have to wait and see.


Active Member
Either one of those options could've been the culprit. If you moved the rock around, this could've stressed your fish out. The ich could also have come on the rock, and maybe the additional stress of the new rockscaping made the angel more susceptible to the ich. Are you sure it's ich?


There is the psibility its just some 'dust' that happened to land on the angel when you were moving rocks around, its happened to me plenty of times.


Yeah, I haven't seen spots on him since but I did see him scratch against rocks yesterday...He gave himself two small scrape marks. Then he went about his business grazing on the rocks for the remainder of the night. I'll keep checking on him.