Confused about LTA


I've had a LTA for about 8-9 months now. He's grown from smaller than the size of my fist to probably about 9-10"
i was looking around online at pictures and have started to wonder if it really is a LTA.
here are a few pics, just wondering if it really is an LTA
mine doesnt seem to have as many tenticles as the ones i've seen
first few weeks (sorry its blurry):

few weeks ago:

i'm probably just crazy
I have an LTA, yours looks like an LTA in the second picture. It should be in the sand.. have you been feeding it at all?
Here is a pic of my purple LTA..


Originally Posted by sea_nacl_h2o
I have an LTA, yours looks like an LTA in the second picture. It should be in the sand.. have you been feeding it at all?
Here is a pic of my purple LTA..

it is in the sand
i was feeding it canned shrimp, but it seems as if it is spitting those back now
btw, that is ar really neat pic of yours, i like those colors!