Confused about my tank cycling


Ok, I have an 80 gal tank, 100 lbs LR, and 110 lbs LS. I have 260 watts of lighting with moon lights. The tank has up for about 3 weeks now. I have been testing water every 2 days. No signs of any spike. Ive taken a water sample to a lfs to confirm my readings. I was first going to throw a shrimp in the tank to kick things up but didnt. My lfs told me to add some damsels in to help the cycle. The lfs sold me 5 green chromis and 10 snails all for 15 bucks. I thought, OK, if this didnt work its only 15 bucks. The fish and snails have been in the tank for 5 days now and seem happy. They eat good and are all over the tank. The snails are cruizing the rocks eating all this brown stuff that seems to be spreading like crazy. I have been testing the water every other day and still nothing. amn 0 trate 0 trites .5 ph 8.2 temp 80. Did my tank cycle? Did I miss it? Here is a pic of my fisrt attempt at saltwater....
And also a pic of that nasty brown stuff.....????



Active Member
If all the live rock was cured when you put it in the tank it is possible that your tank cycled very fast and didn't even notice but if it cycled that fast slowly add fish. Note that a new tank can't handle additions as fast as an established tank (6-12months). Just keep testing the water parameters every couple of days as you add residents you will notice fluctuations in your levels.
Good luck!!


Active Member
I did the samething by adding in cured live rock. The cycle went by just like that. Just add in your live stock slowly. As you can see you have some nitrites going on from adding those fish. Have pre-mixed water available for water changes if needed. You should be just fine. That don't look like a lot of rock for 100 lbs. Must be some heavy rocks. Good Luck! :happyfish


That don't look like a lot of rock for 100 lbs. Must be some heavy rocks. Good Luck!
Ya I know. There were some big rocks. I am going to add some more. I am thinking of getting the rock from here. Ive heard a lot of good things about the LR here.