confused about reef tanks


New Member
ok guys, here goes, I have a fish only tank. I want some more info on the reef i need a "bio ball filter" (dont know exactly what they are called) for one, also can i use live sand in a fish only tank? And does live sand and live rock need the same filtration?


Active Member
Bio ball filters are used in fish only tanks and are not really needed in a reef tank your live sand and live rock will serve the same purpose. But to better inform you on what else you may need I would need more info...tank size...are you converting your FO tank into a reef, if so whats its setup...or are you getting a new tank. Many people have LR and LS in their FO tanks. Their called FOWLR -->Fish Only With Live Rock tanks.


New Member
wow, i got the exact info, but backwards from lfs.....they told me that i needed bio ball filter for reef tanks not fish only tanks.........not sure what i wanted to do yet, kinda want to wait to see what i CAN do.....tank is 65 gallon just crushed coral in it now. yellow tang. 2 damsels and clown.


Active Member
Many people including myself started with FO and migrated to FOWLR and then to reef. (less pocket book shock that way) If your going to convert the 65g you could start by creating a DSB or plenium using some LS there is a lot of info on these over the net. Then add LR about 1 to 1.5 lbs a gallon. At the point where you want to start thinking corals you will have to upgrade your lighting to PC or MH (the amount determind by what you want to keep) and add a skimmer (better if placed in a sump using an overflow and return pump) or a refugium. Once established you can start flirting with corals. The best advice I could give is to go to a LFS (to purchese reading marterial) or a book store or even the library and read up on reef tanks and the various advantages to different setups you could also search the net for the info. But becareful about what LFS employees tell you most gust don't know enough about reefs and frequintly are more conserned about selling something than whats best or needed in your tank. GOOD LUCK!


New Member
so im guessing here, my first step is to invest in a bio-ball filter? if so, is there any inexpensive way to diy? or do i fork out the $450 for one at my lfs? thanks for all the great info.....going now to buy reading material. :)


Have (2) lfs that are giving different opinions on bio balls. One says you should use them in the wet/dry. He believes this to be the better method. Currently has no reef set up available to review in the store. Does maintain a few in business. The other recommends not having bio's, says that the live rock based @ 1 1/2 lbs per gallon will handle the load. That the bio's only collect waste and produces more nitrates. He currently has 75 gallon reef show tank and several smaller stock tanks full of corals and livestock strictly for reefs. Can you guess which way I'm leaning?


IMHO if you have $450 to spend on this hobby at once....and at the point you're at....I would NOT get the filter. why? Why if lr/ls will do the, a better job of filtering plus will look great in your tank!
Just my thoughts.


Active Member
Actually Bio-balls are counter productive in a reef tank that contains LS. The Bio-ball are much more effecient at nitrification then LS because its so aerobic, therefor it will prevent or reduce the colonization of nitrifying bacteria in the LS, since colonies only grow when there is a system demand(excess biological waste) for them. Bio-balls are fine in FO tanks where large waste demand is placed and large water changes can be done to remove nitrate buildup.