confused by non-nanoers

I am new to SW and have a 24gal nano. I was posting ? on the newbie board and was getting conflicting advice from the 175 gal people and then nano cubers. I have seen pics of some of your gorgeous tanks, I hope that mine can be like that in the future. I have a standard JBJ nano 24 gal dx with standard lights including nightlights and standard pump. I have noticed many of you have several nozzles pointing in diff directions in your tanks and many speak of pump or bulb upgrades. I also know that many of you have more fish and critters than are standard yet have very successful tanks. I have 3 small fish(false perc, neon gobie, firefish all docile) 7 snails 4 hermits one peppermint shrimp I would love to have one more fish but am scared of bioload and don't want to get a bully introduced to my peaceful tank.
Do you recommend upgrades to the tank if so list top 5 from least expensive to greatest? ( I do prefer the hood that currently covers the tank so lighting upgrades would be bulb only)
What are the realistic numbers for critters I can keep? I would like to introduce some soft corals later.
I know some old salts(no offense intended) may not have experience with nanos which my lfs says makes the hobby enjoyable on a smaller scale.
So those are my questions. Thanks for your help. MBintraining