Confused....Why don't my invetebrates survive?


New Member
Confused. I have a 55 gal tank since November. My water levels are good and consistent. Nitrate 0 - 5.0 ppm, amonia 0, alkalinity 232.7, phosphate .25 and ph 8.2. Water temperature 78-79, salinity 1.023. We had two feather duster which both died after about six weeks. Two cleaner clams died within days. Shrimps die within days. brittle star died. We have three emerald crabs, hermit crabs and snails which do fine. Perplexed why most of our invetebrates don't survive. Any suggestions greatly appreciated!


Just a couple of quick thoughts...
Have you checked your calcium, it might be low?
Have you used any silicone on your tank, some is not aquarium safe?
Are you using anthing but RO/DI water?
Are you acclimating them correctly?
I'd throw two bags of Chemi-Pure in your filter and do a good water change, you may have some type of contamination.
Good luck.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Inverts need to be acclimated for along time 2 hours. Nitrates 5.0, or do you mean .5? What else is in your tank list all. feathers are hard to keep alive you need to hand feed with syringe once a day. Cleaner claims never live long and will eat all you fauna in LS. Get Nassau snail, they work better.


New Member
Thanks. The color card for the Nitrate goes from 0 ppm to 5.0 ppm. Nitrate between 0 and 5.0. We have some zoanthids coral. One yellow tang, 2 clown, 1 damsel, 2 cardinals, 4 chromis and one skooter blenny. We have two curly Q anenomes. One is hugh and doing great. I though the smaller one was dead, but he was showing himself a little this morning. The tank looks great and we have had no issues with the fish just the invetebrates. We do initially acclamate as directed and have been doing at least 5 gallon water changes every other week if not weekly.