

NO- MH are high intensity light specifically designed for hard corals and other light intensive critters!
They are expensive and HOT!
For FO you only need enough light for viewing and if you want to grow some items on your live rock, you can run some daylights and actinics or bump up to a PC system which is inexpensive and most come with lunar lights which are great for night viewing.


Sure, you can use them. Is it necessary? No. Will it look better? You betcha.
If you have a spare MH lying around, go for it. If not, I'd suggest a 10,000k-Actinic PC combo.


Originally Posted by Granny
NO- MH are high intensity light specifically designed for hard corals and other light intensive critters!
They are expensive and HOT!
For FO you only need enough light for viewing and if you want to grow some items on your live rock, you can run some daylights and actinics or bump up to a PC system which is inexpensive and most come with lunar lights which are great for night viewing.
thanks alot, I already have a 36 in and a 24 Coralife powercompact on my 125 with just fish and liverock. I have had the same bulbs now for about a year or maybe a little more. Should I get n ew ones soon and what wattage and color should I get to replace them. Thanks for the help


The recommendation for replacement is 6 months, which could vary depending on how many hours a day you use them. The Actinicis usually need replacing first.Does your pc give you options for bubl replacement? Mine has a standard replacement package-would have to look up the actual light values.


Originally Posted by Granny
The recommendation for replacement is 6 months, which could vary depending on how many hours a day you use them. The Actinicis usually need replacing first.Does your pc give you options for bubl replacement? Mine has a standard replacement package-would have to look up the actual light values.
I dont think that I can change mine either just have to stay with the same ones that are there now unless someone knowa anything diffrent and better