

I've been looking to this board for a lot of information and have learned a lot. And have became confused as well, so here is what I have--- what do I need to get this tank going. Reef with Live Rocks
2 Maxi Jet MP1200
Tetra test KH
Tetra test pH
SeaTest Hydrometer
LifeGard Time or Temp
20 pounds Arga Live Fiji Pink (thats out dated)
15 pounds Marine Enviroment salt
55 gallon tank (long)
Wood Stand
No hood
No Lights
I like the JBJ NEW 48" Formosa Deluxe lighting Kit 260watts
How much play sand would I need to get for a bed 6 to 4 inches deep?
Any other help and suggestions would help me a bunch. I've already got some money sunk into this with nothing to show for it.


Without a sump, fuge or wet/dry I would recommend some mechanical filtration of some sort unless you are going for the Berlin method. Penquin 400's would be fine, one or two on a 55, I used two whispers on a 55 myself. Perhaps you could look into a hangon overflow system that empties into a rubbermaid sump and make your own. It would be a better filtration system then the hangon powerfilters
A protien skimmer would be a wise addition.
A 55 is rather small to be putting a 6 inch sand bed in, thats just my opinion, you can do it but mark the place on the aquarium that 6 inches of sand will come up to and step back and see for yourself just how much room that leaves you with. Also that will leave you less swimming room for fish, depending on what you want to keep.