Active Member
Hey conogre and gasguzzler you both seem to know what you are doing when it comes to big agressive tanks. I am getting ready to setup a 180g. tank. Would I be able to have a shark or 2 or maybe a sharks and a ray. What other agressive fish could I have in there like triigers or maybe a harlequin tusk. Would I be able to have blonde naso tang. I plan on having a wet/dry that will support at least 250 gallons to start out with and then a nautilus ex skimmer that will support 400 gallons. I would eventualy add a 36 watt double helix uv sterilizer and a fluidized bed sand filter. But the uv and fluidized bed filter will be down the road a few months first the skimmer and wet/dry. I would also have some liverock and a arganite sand bed. How deep would you recomend it to be. How much liverock should I have I know you don't want to much because the ray and sharks need lots of room to swim. I currently have a 20g reef and a 75g reef. also could you recomend a good shark and ray that would suit a 180g. I want to do this right and not skimp on anything.