conogre and gassguzzler need some help with a stocking list for my new 180gallon


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Hey conogre and gasguzzler you both seem to know what you are doing when it comes to big agressive tanks. I am getting ready to setup a 180g. tank. Would I be able to have a shark or 2 or maybe a sharks and a ray. What other agressive fish could I have in there like triigers or maybe a harlequin tusk. Would I be able to have blonde naso tang. I plan on having a wet/dry that will support at least 250 gallons to start out with and then a nautilus ex skimmer that will support 400 gallons. I would eventualy add a 36 watt double helix uv sterilizer and a fluidized bed sand filter. But the uv and fluidized bed filter will be down the road a few months first the skimmer and wet/dry. I would also have some liverock and a arganite sand bed. How deep would you recomend it to be. How much liverock should I have I know you don't want to much because the ray and sharks need lots of room to swim. I currently have a 20g reef and a 75g reef. also could you recomend a good shark and ray that would suit a 180g. I want to do this right and not skimp on anything.


Active Member
In my system, I have 60 lbs of rock and about 120 lbs of sand. This was enough to create a 1 1/2-2" bed across the bottom. There are two small rock formations at either end that leaves about five feet of the tank open for them. As far as triggers and wrasses go, they are a definate no-no. These fish along with puffers, angels and others are way too aggressive for a passive shark or ray. As far as selection goes, I think an epaulette shark (hemiscyllium ocellatum) and a bluespotted ray (dasyatis kuhlii, not taeniura lymma-the bluespotted ribbontail ray) would make an excellent place to start. That would be an incredible tank to see. Tank mates should be chosen carefully. I myself had a 15" blond naso tang in my aggresive tank to control hair algae. I had to trade him in to the LFS for my female ray due to the fact he started picking at my males tail. If one is added, have a secondary home lined up for the tang, just in case.
BTW- first, bravo for going in with a plan-AMEN! Secondly, realize you will spend ridiculous amounts of money. Thirdly, live sand would be more beneficial and lastly try to make the main sump flow at least 1000 gal/hr for the health of everyone!!!
PS- Thank you for going in with a plan and asking questions FIRST. It is refreshing to help someone before they start rather than bail them out. HTH


Active Member
Is that a 180 gallon you posted a picture off. I saw it in another thread your rays are very beatifull. I've critisized very bad when I brang this up at another board but I now you in conogre know what your talking about when it comes to sharks and rays. As far as filteration could you recomend a good wet/dry system for me. I have been looking at the amiracle wet/drys. Also I plan on getting the tank, stand, and canopy from they say you can have the tanks custom made to, I was thinking of have them make something like 72'' long, 30'' wide and 20'' tall. Or do you think the standard 180g. is perfect for a shark and a ray. I want to research everything first so when I get it set up I have no regrets on something I should have done different. Also could have a eel maybe with the sharks and ray. On another threa someguy had to bamboo sharks a ray and a eel in a 180g. I think it would be a little much with all that livestock but once again this will be my first agressive setup. I wanted to ask you what to you think of the fluidized bed filter for added biological filteration. also is that a lionfish with your rays does he nip at them at all? What about water circulation do you have a few powerheads in there.
thanks hope I'm not askin to much I just want it all to go smooth!!!


Active Member
You can never ask too much!!!
My tank is a 125. I have 2 bamboos, 2 calis, a volitain lion and a zebra moray. Any of the more placid morays (the echidna or gymnomuraena families) would be awesome additions.
The filtrtion options are endless. I have an Amiracle wet/dry on my tanks also. They are not the best in the world, but get the job done and reasonably priced. I have a dual overflow, 2 700 gal/hr pumps, 2 200 gal/hr powerheads and a Magnum 350 canister to round out the main system points.
Obviously, the footprint of the tank means everything with these guys. The 72x30 would be ideal for what you have in mind. This works in our favor. The reefers are screwed because you pay for all that hieght. When I priced my 980, they wanted about $3,000 for a 120x48x48. For a 120x48x60, it was $12,000.
So far, I would say you are well on your way. So, I say go get that 72x30. Unless Conogre has something else to add?


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I just when to ***********.com and looked at the rays and sharks and I absolutely love that blue dot ray, it says it only gets up to 1ft. long. I am going to email the guy at glass cages and get a quote on how much for the 72'' by 30'' by 20'' high. For the standard size 180g. it was 760$ with the stand and canopy. I am gonna take a ride up to my lfs who has aquarium 1-200g. aquariums in stock and get a price. Also are the rays and sharks picky eaters. And how often do you do water changes?


Active Member
I do at least 15 gallons weekly, and they eat anything I put in front of them. The sharks prefer small cats/dogs or small children.


gas, that is some of the best advise I have read. I should be asking you questions from now on. I am stoked, this Tuesday my black tips are arriving at the airport. Finally after four weeks they will be here. I'll post some pics when I get them.
I also find that you can feed the sharks annoying neighborhood kids that won't keep their hands out of the water. Think I'll start having to play the Jaws theme to get my point across!


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Yeah gasguzzler and conogre know a lot about aqressive tans and sharks, thats why I asked them. I am hoping that conogre will give me his opinion to!!! You da man gas!!!


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mattie, there arent any more annoying neighborhood kids in my neighborhood. Where did they go? Must have moved. :notsure:


Yeah I noticed that myself, must be some strange alien abductions going on here. On a side note my sharks are as fat as ever.


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Yeah, my growth rates are unreal!
Did you check out my "feeding pics" that show exactly how large my female really is? Im so proud.:)


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Hey Flatz, get a volitan too. I think you can keep the rays, sharks, plus a volitan and an eel no prob. For the shark? Get a leapord shark. Those are nice. Bamboos are cool, but not cool enough, lol. Just cruise around the net and check stuff out. The blue dots are definitely the coolest though. I want a nice big aggressive some day, that would be my dream come true. But first i need a car
. Yup, these guys know their stuff. Conogre actually lives by the ocean, so he has all kinds of stuff, and I believe he catches stuff to put in his sytems too. Catches damsels and such to feed his lions ( like whole skools, just waiting to get eaten). Just check it out with the other guys first, but I think you'd be fine with a shark/ ray (choose which one you want to be paired) then a volitan and an eel. That tank will support it. Filtration, you really dont need a fuge or anything. Get like a lot of crushed coral, or even dead sand, then make the top layer live, then just sort of let the fish mix it together. Its worked for me in the past nicely. What you DO need is a big skimmer, and a powerful return pump. Try to get a system with a double overflow like gas has, and feed it from both sides of the tank. That way you can put in a huge pump without having to worry about floods. My problem with my tank is that I have a nice filter AND pump, but I can only use 1/3 of the power cuz the overflow isnt good.


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I live on the Gulf of mexico but go down to the keys about 2-3 times a year and collect all different kinds of inverts. Thanks for the advice a volitan would be sweet!! I am taking advice from everybody and puting it together. I saw the pic of your tank and it is a very nice setup and your lion is awesome. I am still hoping that Congre will give me some advice to beacause I would like to see what he says about it. Also I am gonna do sand for my substrate because I read that sharks and rays need sand or they could cut there belly on the crushed coral and be open for infection.
Thanks for the advice!!


Active Member
Conogre can be like field of dreams, lol. "if u wait, he will come". He WILL come, and you WILL be satisfied, lol. Conogre is the MAN!