Considering a nano, some questions....


So I was in the LFS last week, and I saw the JBJ Nano Cube they had set up. I didn't think much of it until the other day, when I realized that where we're living currently wouldn't give much space for the 55gal setup I had been eyeing up.
So, here I am this week thinking about the nano cube and wondering what it would take to get it up and running. So we went back to the LFS tonight so I could look at what they had without having the munchkin drag me around the store looking at all the fish.
So, I just need a little direction about what I need for this nano and was hoping that someone could help.
I was thinking about the 12g nano cube and they have two different ones, one with 1x24w lighting, and one with 2x24w lighting. I was only going to do mostly FOWLR (2 perc clowns and possibly a goby), with possibly a small star, a few snails and maybe a shrimp if that would work. Any suggestions on fish/inverts? My assumption is that I would only need the 1x24w lighting for what I'm planning. Is that correct?
Also, the LFS has this 20LB bag of live argonite that has live organisms in it. It has what appears to be water in the bag with the argonite. Would this work, or would I be better off with actual LS? The LS from the LFS is $3.99/lb, so I'd probably order it from because 20LBs is cheaper from here.
Think that's all for now. Let me know what you think! Thanks!
Matt L. :joy:


We have the JBJ Nano Cube with the 2x24w lighting and it's been up and running since August. We have a maroon clown, neon goby, royal gramma, skunk shrimp, and a cleanup crew of about 15 various snails, crabs, etc. We also have several coral: xenia, torch coral, bubble coral, candy cane coral, mushrooms, etc. We have about 20 lbs of ls and 15 of lr. Here's a picture of some of the things growing in our cube:


My beginner tank is the 12 gal nano cube. My lfs said it would be more work than a large tank, but I wanted to start small. All I can suggest is run the heck out of it before you add any livestock to the tank. I ran fresh water for two weeks then saltwater for two weeks. Then I added cured live rock (smell it..if the live rock stinks it is not cured) running the tank for a month. Then I added live sand running the tank with live rock and live sand for a month. When I saw little tube worms appear I knew I could start adding livestock. I started with hermit crabs and snails...if you have a good lfs they will tell you what you can add and when. I'm now up to two mushrooms, ricordia, two species of xenia, a royal gramma, two yellow watchman gobies that share a cave with a serpent star, an orange star, a pistol shrimp (poor guy, the gobies will not leave their cave for him) and a damsel (a non-aggressive damsel..head & chest is golden yellow, back & tail is pinkish purple). Everything (except the fish & the mushrooms) that first went into the tank was for the tank's benefit. My lfs guy who I totally trust said DO NOT change more than a gallon of water per week. He recommends C-Balance and Coralife salt
and he uses nothing else. You will be topping off at least once or twice a week with fresh water. Good luck! ps..the royal gramma and the gobies will let me hand feed is so cool!


Any sand that already has organisms in it is considered "live sand". The chances of the sand you are talking about already harboring the bacteria you need are likely to already have them...actually, the live sand that you buy that is already packaged does not even have those organisms, these organisms/pods help clean up your tank so I would go with that instead of the packaged ones.
As far as your nano cube, if you're going with strictly fish...I would highly recommend just saving from buying the Deluxe tank and getting the tank with the 24 watts of lighting. But if you're the type of person who might want to get a couple zoos or maybe a shroom here or there, then get the 2x24 watt Deluxe version.
Also, there is also the first generation as well as the 2nd generation tanks. If you open up the tank and see that the back-compartment part of the hood is "see through", this is a 2nd generation (1st generation has a solid backing on the back-side of the compartment on the hood).
The see through cover will allow you to make a refugium, you can put a 15w light back there and put some chaeto.
My setup is the 12 gallon with a modded hood of 126 watts of lighting + a refugium 50/50 15w light in the back compartment, keeping corals in it though and 2 fishes. I haven't set it up yet though, but when I do I will post pictures.
Collie offered some great tips--however, I highly recommend that you add the live sand AND live rock together. This will shorten your cycle period because there are more pores bacteria can live in, and also because you will be adding more bacteria to begin with by adding both substrates at the same time. Bacteria does not die in the cycling process, so adding them on two separate occassions will just lengthen your cycle time. If you're using live rock and live sand, give it a month to cycle, test your water params and you should be good. You can even add your cleaning crew before your tank has fully cycled, more towards the end of your cycle (maybe about 3 weeks into your cycling process).
You can also help the cycling process by adding Bio-Spira (it's a product), and Cycle. It's basically bottled bacteria.
On a side note regarding your fish, 3 is kind of pushing it, when the clowns grow the tank will be too small for them...but if they are still babies it should be fine. Make sure that you add both clowns together, it is very difficult to add a new clown to a tank one has already established territory. So if you're going to go with the 3 fishes, add the two clowns first...then maybe a couple months down the road, introduce a goby. My tank has 1 perc and 1 orange striped goby.


As far as the fish goes, this is going to be my temporary solution until I can get my 55gallon up and running. The percs will go into that tank once it is up and running. As far as adding them together, I'm aware of that. Otherwise one will kill the others because they are territorial.
As far as the cycle goes, I've got that down without issues. I have been here for a good deal of time researching before I take the plunge. I believe in reading up on everything and getting a good base before I go into it.
Just had some questions that were sitting in my mind, and I wanted to get some answers. Thanks!