i will say this. people may not believe it but my humu humu was about 3/4 of an inch when i bought him. poor guy could barely swim with my flow rate. im not kidding when i say this but this guy grown a lot. probably put on another 1/2 inch in the past i think 2 months i have had him. he is a porker. i feed my tank 3 times a day. i feed pellets in the am. mysis around 3. then either algae of any sort sponge food, mussels, and squid mix. my fish are all growing pretty fast. i dose with one of the following switching off every meal daily selcon zoecon garlic and vitamin c.
people told me bicolors and small triggers were. probably had some luck but i have kept them alive and healthy. bicolor is on month 3 and all fish have survived a move.