Considering upgrading my tank


I already have a Yellow Tang and a Blue Hippo Tang in my current setup along with a Pseudochromis, 2 Perculas, 1 Yellow Tail Damsel and a Longnose Hawkfish
I am considering upgrading my tank. I know some of these tangs do not get along together so I am trying to decide which ones I should get.
Powder Blue (how many gallons minimum?)
Powder Brown (how many gallons minimum?)
Achilles Tang (how many gallons minimum?)
Purple Tang (how many gallons minimum?)
Koran Angelfish (how many gallons minimum?)
Copperband Butterfly (how many gallons minimum?)
I know the Purple will not get along with the Yellow, but does anyone have any experience with these two living together peacefully? Is there a better chance of them living together peacefully if I put them in a larger tank?


Active Member
Achilles are rough customers....They are very sensitive and ick prone, so would be my last choice on aggression, Powder Blues are prone as well to ick as well.....My opinion will be poor due to I keep 2 Yellow, 1 Hippo, 1 Powder Blue, 1 Purple and of course an Achilles......


Active Member
How big of a tank are you planning on upgrading too? I did have a problem with my Yellow and Purple at first, but now the Purple runs the show.....


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Achilles are rough customers....They are very sensitive and ick prone, so would be my last choice on aggression, Powder Blues are prone as well to ick as well.....My opinion will be poor due to I keep 2 Yellow, 1 Hippo, 1 Powder Blue, 1 Purple and of course an Achilles......

how big is your tank?
I was thinking of a 150?


Active Member
did you want all of those tangs????
even if you wanted 2 from the list I would say 180gal. IMO. Remember adulthood growth. with all those tangs it will get pretty cramped. IMO.
I think a 8ft tank would help out alot as well. Probably not necessary, but nice.


I dont want them all. I am just wondering what I need based on the INDIVIDUAL needs of these tangs. For example, lets say I only want to get a 125 and some of the tangs need a 150. I could rule those out. Those are simply the tans I like. I do not want them all. Just trying to figure out what size tank I need....


Active Member
i know you don't want to hear this but.............. buy the biggest one you can afford to equipt. and through time, stock with livestock.
I believe its Dogstar, he has a 180gal. with 8 Huge tangs. I am not positive but pretty sure. He could help you. You should look up his posts and you find out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paulcoates
how big is your tank?
I was thinking of a 150?
Current tank running is 300 which I've stolen parts and such from on the new take over system....the new system which took over my 2 car garage is total system volume, 640 gallons...... I have thread going in the reef forum 240 fishroom project or something is the title.......


Active Member
Anyways like Lubek said buy the biggest you can afford and work with.......Everything will come with time and patience.....


Originally Posted by Lubeck
i know you don't want to hear this but.............. buy the biggest one you can afford to equipt. and through time, stock with livestock.
I believe its Dogstar, he has a 180gal. with 8 Huge tangs. I am not positive but pretty sure. He could help you. You should look up his posts and you find out.
will I need special floor suppport? It is going on the 3rd floor of my house


does anyone have a 180 gal that is not on a foundation (joist, etc...)?
Anyone heard any horror stories about a 180 falling through a floor?


I have looked at the 6 ft tanks, and when you are going up in size, that is also in Width and the Height.
Light might be a factor in a 150 gal, the height is 29"


I know I am going to need new lights.
Does anyone have a tank on an upper floor of their house (not on a foundation) that is setup?


Active Member
i have a 110gal on my first floor with all plumbing in the basement.So am around 1000lbs of weight. this probably doesn't help you though