CONTEST :: Tidewater Reefers Society Logo Contest


The challenge is this: Create an awesome logo for the club Tidewater Reefers Society, Create 5, it doesn't matter! Those who create the logos will have them entered into a Poll on our website. The winner of that poll will get.... A brand new 5 gallon eclipse hexagon aquarium, perfect for starting your little desktop saltwater reef. ( It can be done, i had one )
I will personally purchase the tank for the give a way, as a donation to the society and then to the winning entry it will go, hopefully presented at the August meeting. If abroad it will be packaged up and sent to the individual!
1. The logo has to be original.
2. If you submit the logo, you give the copyright to Tidewater Reefers Society to use the logo for the society.
3. All submissions should be e-mailed to "".
4. All entries must be made by August 1, 2006
5. The poll and vote will open on August 2, 2006 and will run for 1 week!
6. Have fun!
Good luck to the designers...


Active Member
So what is the mission statement of the Organization? I couldn't find what their goals are and this may help in designing something appropriate to represent the organization.
Never mind I found it --