convert community to aggressive


I have a 55gal. community tank right now, and am going to turn it to aggressive.
what does anyone suggest for a 55gal. stock list? I am partial to triggers. and lionfish.
my community consists of clowns and damsels, and hawks. how will they fare with these aggressive species?


Originally Posted by ufo8micats
I have a 55gal. community tank right now, and am going to turn it to aggressive.
what does anyone suggest for a 55gal. stock list? I am partial to triggers. and lionfish.
my community consists of clowns and damsels, and hawks. how will they fare with these aggressive species?
What exactly do you have? The only lion that will work in a 55 is a fuzzy. Most triggers get too large for a 55. Blue chins are the smallest and they reach almost 9". You could get a toby puffer.


I have two volatin lions in my 55 and they are happy as can be. I have had on for 2 years and the other for a year and a half.
Now I have seen these fish get pretty large. Much larger than could live in a 55. Now im not saying they wont outgrow the tank but mine were about 2.5 " when I got them and now the largest one is just under 4" in length.
So if you get them small you definatly have time to grow in the hobbie and get a bigger tank if thats the fish you wish to keep.