Converting a tank


New Member
I currently have a 29 gallon tank with no supplies than can be used on a saltwater tank (no heat a filter that would not suffice...nothing) In it now is a goldfish, and that's it...its sad really. I need to know how to clean it so that I can change it into a saltwater tank...I can only imagine what is growing in there right now.
In my new tank I am planning on not putting much in there, probably just some sort of puffer and lion-fish. So my deal is basicly this, what all do I need after it is all cleaned up. i have read the forums and gathered as much info as I could but it is a little much and I don't really understand the specifics for a 29 gallon. I don't need many details about cycling right now, Im just kinda finding my budget now.
My guess as so what I am going to need is a wet/dry filter, heater, protein skimmer, different lighting, live sand/rock and some sort of base for the bottom of the tank. Some testing supplies and that's all I can think of now, am I missing anything?


Active Member
skimmer, yes as well as powerheads(PH's are a must!)
wet dry, not needed
test kits DEFINITELY
heater(probably, depending on your situation(my house is always 73, and water with lighting stays at 80)
books are a great source of info and guidance
live sand and rock, are definitely a great idea
lights, alldepends on what ti is you want and want to keep(different critters have different needs)