Converting a wet dry to a refugium


Is it possible to turn my wet/dry into a refugium? I have a pro 300 wet dry with a built in protein skimmer and a 24 gal sump. If I remove the bio balls and add lighting can I convert this into a functional refugium?

sign guy

Active Member
walls. just glass or acrilic walls so sand and your green plants dont get sucked in the pump you also may want one to slow your water flow down


So, let me see if I have this right. Currently the water enters left side of filter which is where the protein skimmer is. The water then flows over the wall into where the bio ball are kept, and then over another wall to the return. Are these walls what you are calling "Baffles"? If so do I simply remove the Bioballs and add sand, rock and plants cover with a light and I will have a working fuge?


Active Member
How is your water quality? :thinking: I was considering doing the same but my LFS did not recommmend this to me since my water quality is tip top. Not so sure this is correct or not. :notsure:


Water quality is perfect at this time, but from following all of the posts, it seems that if I want my corals to flourish a fuge is a must. And with the additition of a beautiful madarin a refugium is the perfect breeding ground for copepods.

sign guy

Active Member
my fuge was the best thing I could add. who makes this sump I want to look it up to better understand. Or maybe you could post a pic?

sign guy

Active Member
leave the baffle in (the green) and create the baffels to place were the red is thisshould work. you can pick up the acrilic at home depot or
a sign shop can sell you one.

sign guy

Active Member
thebaffle on the far left should be as high as posible so it can catch all the water from the skimmer.


Thanks for the info Sign Guy.
Am I better just leaving it alone and adding a seperate fuge before or after the wet dry? Or is the conversion my best bet?

sign guy

Active Member
that depends if you have a w/d to spare. I highly recomend some sort of filter before the fuge. If you dont filter the oils and debree out they could hinder the fuge. If you dont have an extra w/d just go to wallmart and buy a 10gal for 10 bucks, then turn it into a fuge. three things to remember
1 never mix acrilic and glass they wont stick to each other, glass is probably what wallmart sells, so use glass baffels. you can use silicone to adhere these two together.
If you use acrilic then use acrilic baffels and plastic cement or ressinbond.
2 never have any filter between the exit of the fuge and the tank. you dont want to kill the copods before they reach the tank.
3 it is all about the flow in the fuge. make sure your water is flowing through the plants.
What kind of plants are you planning on using


I am open to any and all suggestions. Is 10 gal large enough? Tank is 94g corner bow. I suppose if I keep current w/d any sized fuge is just an improvement. Thanks for all of you help so far.


Is my uv going to kill the copods? The flow is coming from the w/d to a chiller then through the uv before going back to the tank.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by MAVIS1032
I am open to any and all suggestions. Is 10 gal large enough? Tank is 94g corner bow. I suppose if I keep current w/d any sized fuge is just an improvement. Thanks for all of you help so far.

A 20 long would be good, and a 29 long would be better. Long being the key word. yep if you keep the wd a fuge is just an improvement but they say bio balls are trate factoriesso having the fuge after the w/d is best.