Converting an above ground pool to an indoor shark pool



Just wondering about a project like this. In the future, I was thinking about buying a small above ground pool for some marine life. I'd want to cut some windows into the sides to have a better viewing area. Aside from the size of the filtration, salt costs and condensation, is there any real problems that I should be aware of with a project of this size? Seems like a less expensive way to have a large system then to build a tank out of glass or acrylic. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Just wondering about a project like this. In the future, I was thinking about buying a small above ground pool for some marine life. I'd want to cut some windows into the sides to have a better viewing area. Aside from the size of the filtration, salt costs and condensation, is there any real problems that I should be aware of with a project of this size? Seems like a less expensive way to have a large system then to build a tank out of glass or acrylic. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Sounds good to me! It would still cost quite a bit, but not nearly the cost of making one out of glass/acrylic as you said. Keep me/us updated!


This is a project for the future... right now I'm only in the thinking stage.


Active Member
i emailed you my ideas awhile ago about the pool thing,, that would be cool and i can see it working VERY well, but did you ever think of going the plywood and acrylic way? three sides of plywood and one sheet of acrylic in the front,, i beleive thatw ould cut cost down evan more, and you can built a MONSTER, say about 3000 gallons.. have wiewing windows wherever you want, and the exact footprint you want also..let me know what you definantly going to do this for my next tank!! very cost effective!


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
i emailed you my ideas awhile ago about the pool thing,, that would be cool and i can see it working VERY well, but did you ever think of going the plywood and acrylic way? three sides of plywood and one sheet of acrylic in the front,, i beleive thatw ould cut cost down evan more, and you can built a MONSTER, say about 3000 gallons.. have wiewing windows wherever you want, and the exact footprint you want also..let me know what you definantly going to do this for my next tank!! very cost effective!
MAke sure you do a stress analysis to make sure the plywood can take that much pressure..... thats a LOT of water to hold back..


Active Member
You'd also have to worry about corrosion on the metal parts of the pool.
If, for some reason, you end up with a hole in the pool liner, it's not like draining pool'd have to replace all that saltwater, while taking out the rock, sand, fish, etc.


Active Member
i would like to know how to do that as well with the plywood and acryclic, so please go into detail about it if you dont mine please


So one concern is the materials used. Psusocr, I got your feedback and will definitely use your advice when this project comes closer. What about fiber glass pools?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
So one concern is the materials used. Psusocr, I got your feedback and will definitely use your advice when this project comes closer. What about fiber glass pools?
:hilarious like.. silly funny expensive


I think Sharkguy (or maybe someone else here) has a small shark pool in the basement. Looks like he's got panelling on the exterior but not sure what the structure is actually made of.


New Member
what about heating, water changes, electricty,yeah great idea,just go to water world its cheaper


Originally Posted by psusocr1
i emailed you my ideas awhile ago about the pool thing,, that would be cool and i can see it working VERY well, but did you ever think of going the plywood and acrylic way? three sides of plywood and one sheet of acrylic in the front,, i beleive thatw ould cut cost down evan more, and you can built a MONSTER, say about 3000 gallons.. have wiewing windows wherever you want, and the exact footprint you want also..let me know what you definantly going to do this for my next tank!! very cost effective!
I'm sure this is a good idea but I don't trust myself to build this thing from scratch. This is why I was thinking about buying a pool and just doing the necessary modifications.


Active Member
i guess thats also what you would have to consider. I mean i did put 200+ gallons of water in my basement that i did build myself!! but ive built alot bigger! :joy: but anyway someone stated about how much the plywood would handle with pressure...if you use 1/2" plywood to build lets say a 2000 gallon tank with the right supporting using 4x4's you would EASILY support this much water, without a doubt, and you would be able to use the same design i would say upwards of around 4000+ gallons. Obviously this tank would be built on solid concrete with no stand.
Also someone asked how you do this with plywood...well to make a long story short you basically use a waterproof 2 part epoxy,, there are many but i have my favorites, you have to apply the epoxy about 5 times, with sanding inbetween every coat,,,very fine sand then just use some silicone and waterproof glue to put the sheet of acrylic or glass to the front..with the acrylic you actually screw it in ,, and then you make a frame around the inside for it.. thats along story short..theres much more detail involved but you get the point!!
also someone said about the liner ripping, well they sell a pretty thick,, and i mean thick industrial rubber tarp that iw ould use in a similiar setup such as sure its somethign similiar.
im sorry about the "someone said" but i dont know hwo to use multiple quotes in posting


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
You'd also have to worry about corrosion on the metal parts of the pool.
If, for some reason, you end up with a hole in the pool liner, it's not like draining pool'd have to replace all that saltwater, while taking out the rock, sand, fish, etc.
You gotta some how learn NOT to look at the bad side


maybe some one can get bang guy over here and read this thread. i know he has a 900g lagoon in his basement made out of plywood. im sure he can help you out


You can not use a swimming pool linner because they use a chemical treatment to protect the vinyl from UV rays.


Thanks Salty, I've seen the projects of Novice, MorayMike and Requiem. They all have large systems. I'm hoping to convert a pool because I'm trying to avoid building the whole thing... but I guess if I build it myself, I can decide the dimensions... quite a decision.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
You gotta some how learn NOT to look at the bad side

Better to look at it and realize it now, instead of down the road. lol