i guess thats also what you would have to consider. I mean i did put 200+ gallons of water in my basement that i did build myself!! but ive built alot bigger! :joy: but anyway someone stated about how much the plywood would handle with pressure...if you use 1/2" plywood to build lets say a 2000 gallon tank with the right supporting using 4x4's you would EASILY support this much water, without a doubt, and you would be able to use the same design i would say upwards of around 4000+ gallons. Obviously this tank would be built on solid concrete with no stand.
Also someone asked how you do this with plywood...well to make a long story short you basically use a waterproof 2 part epoxy,, there are many but i have my favorites, you have to apply the epoxy about 5 times, with sanding inbetween every coat,,,very fine sand paper..you then just use some silicone and waterproof glue to put the sheet of acrylic or glass to the front..with the acrylic you actually screw it in ,, and then you make a frame around the inside for it.. thats along story short..theres much more detail involved but you get the point!!
also someone said about the liner ripping, well they sell a pretty thick,, and i mean thick industrial rubber tarp that iw ould use in a similiar setup such as sharguys..im sure its somethign similiar.
im sorry about the "someone said" but i dont know hwo to use multiple quotes in posting