Converting C02 Tank


Active Member
I have a C02 tank with a pin type trigger. Is there any way I can install an adaptor to change it into a trigger i can open an close manually with a wheel or lever or something so that I can attach the C02 tank to my solenoid valve?


Active Member
yes but you first need to put an inline regulator in to dramatically step down the pressure., THEN with a low pressure bleed control.
Should have a butterfly valve available at most medical supply shops but better of going industrial. Same valve 1/3 the price.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
yes but you first need to put an inline regulator in to dramatically step down the pressure., THEN with a low pressure bleed control.
Should have a butterfly valve available at most medical supply shops but better of going industrial. Same valve 1/3 the price.
So I need:
1 Inline Regulator
1 Low Pressure Bleed Control
Is that all? Will that have these at a hardware store and will they know what I'm talking about if I refer to the parts by these names?


Active Member
every good DIY'er has a Grainger catalog.
I assume your plumbing a reactor bottle for automation?
Your average hardware store wont have the correct angles for high pressure fittings. You might hit your yellow pages for an industrial supply. Even a medical supply, but medical supply places cost double and always look at you like your a nutjob. *go figure*
Yes by name. Regulators are just that- Little inline pieces that usually have an adjustable output and guage.Sometimes two gagues depending on how fancy. 1st gage for tank pressure IN, then a second gauge to show line pressure OUT. A regulator should mount to the tank, not to the equipment. The tank is designed to hold X pressure. So are regulators. Plumbing is NOT. Without the regulator you would blow out your valve as full pressure form tank would be in plumbing and needless to say would be very bad.

You really just need a good regulator that with gauge(s) to fit onto your tank. Then plumb to your solenoid. You might need to adapt and neck down the plumbing from the regulator, but that is the only true piece you will need for going form tank to solenoid.
Any tank or any pressure, to any solenoid of any pressure and size plumbing in between.
Tank holds the extreme pressures. Regulator holds the pressure into the tank and releases desired pressure into the line. Solenoid is controlled like a relay that opens and closes releasing the gas/fuid ect.
Good luck and take pics for us here on the boards.