Converting CC to LS


Okay, we've decided to take the plunge and convert our cc to dsb. We are planning on getting some southdown sand from our local Home Depot (cross your fingers they have some) and a bag of live sand from our LFS. Can someone tell me step by step how to do this? Do I have to cycle the southdown sand? Our 130gal has been up for 3 1/2 years now, so it is well established.
Thanks in advance
Scott and Aimee
:help: :help: :)


Okay now I really hate it when my husband tells me to ask a question and then when I ask he tells me that I have it all wrong.....
We don't have CC we have crushed aragonite or at least that's what he said. Is the crushed aragonite the same thing as CC? Would it be okay to put the cured ls over top of the crushed aragonite?
Again Thanks
Aimee :confused:


Active Member
if you put the sand over the crushed coral, the coral will eventually work its way to the top. I recently did a change. Do a search of my name and you will get the thread that details how I did it. Good luck.


Active Member
Did the search for you. I made the switch from cc to southdown. I put all the water, rocks and fish and inverts into a large rubbermaid bucket. I removed the cc and replaced it with the sand and slowly added the water back. I filled the tank (29g) up about half way, added the lr back and filled the rest of the way and finally added the fish and inverts. The process took about 4 hours. As careful as I was with adding the water back I ended up with a sand storm. I finished about 7 pm last night and this morning it has cleared about 85 percent. The sand settled down after about a week and I didn't have to clean off the rocks. Again, good luck.


Because your sand is not "live" sand it will take longer to settle because the bacteria needs to attach to the sand grains to weight it down to the bottom.