I replaced the crushed coral in my 75g FOWLR tank with sand. Here's how I did it:
Turn of all pumps and filters.
I scooped out all the crushed coral that I could.
I had purchased a 2 1/2" to 3" diameter pvc pipe about 20" long from the hardware store. After you rinse the sand (I used CaribSea reef grade), scoop it into the pvc pipe that has been placed in the tank. Slowly remove the pipe and repeat the process.
You will get some clouding of the water. I did a 15 to 20% water change right after. Turned on all the pumps, filters and the tank cleared up in a couple of hours. Did not lose any fish or invertebrates.
Just make sure you rinse the sand very good. This might be a problem if you are going with the very fine oolite sand, which you probably shouldn't rinse.