Converting HOB filter for SW tank


New Member
I have an Emperor 280 on my 20G Long. Currently only has ~20 lbs of live rock and live sand. I only plan on keeping a pair of Ocellaris clowns in there once the tank's fully cycled and when I have some more money, begin nano reefing.
I' m just curious what possible DIY projects can I do with the Emperor? I heard the bio wheels and filter pads just aren't really so great, esp for a SW tank, so I've taken all that out and it's just basically an empty box helping me circulate water. I've heard mixed reviews about the DIY HOB Hagen filter thing so i'm not sure if that's the route for me.
Any ideas?


Active Member
most people convert their hob filter into a fuge, by getting a clip-on light and some plastic crate to hold macroalgae inside the fuge compartment. u can get direction on it on sites like or just google diy hob fuge.