Converting to aggressive....


New Member
I'm trying to put some aggressive fish in my (semi) reef tank. But was currious to get some oppinion of what anyone thinks will survive and what won't. I have right now, 2 perculas, and a clarkii clown, with a yellow tang. I just addes a Niger trigger and a (very small) snowflake eel (about 8-9"). I also have about 15 blueleg hermits, 1 pepermint shrimp, 1 queen conch, some turbo snails, a seabe anenome, and 3 mushroom corals. Anyone have some input???
watch those inverts... triggers love them. Let me know how they do though, cause I would like to keep a small niger trigger in my big tank, but I havent tried yet b/c of my 3 large hermits. Also keep him fed or you can kiss the percs and maybe the clarkii goodbye. Your bioload is heavy for a 55 too. Im assuming its a 55 b/c of your profile. Anyways You might want to consider a larger tank in the near future b/c the trigger and the tang and possibly the eel might get too big. good luck with your new additions and movement to aggressive though! You wont regret it :)


i have a niger trigger in with a bunch of hermits and so far he hasnt touched them...he has been in the for a couple months. I would aslo not add any more fish to that 55 because right now it is a bit overstocked.