Conveting FO to Reef


New Member
I would eventually like to convert my FO tank to a Reef tank. I have done everything I know to do as far as LS and LR. Could someone explain in english what I need for lighting? I just have the canopy that came with my All Glass tank and two 50/50 bulbs. Also my water is still at 20ppm nitrates. I need to be at zero, right? What else should be in order? Calcium? I have a wet/dry. Do I need powerheads as well?(55 gal.)


You would want to get about 4-6 watts per gallon for a reef setup. Just multiply how many gallons your tank is by 5 and shoot for that. That would do for most corals and some clams even. AS far as what type that is mainly a preference thing. I like VHO but once you get to a certain size tank you almost need to get MH just becuase you can't cram enough of anything else in there to get enough wattage. As far as light "color" you will want a mixture of probably 10,000K and actinics. The 10,000K will provide brightness and the actinics wll give a blue color which will bring out all the colors of your reef. I'm no expert but I hope that helps. Maybe some sharks can give you more.