Cool anemone


Active Member
I was doing some research on seahares, and this website came up with a fish of the month from 1998, and alond with the seahare, was this very cool looking anemone. I copied the picture, and the text, I hope I am allowed to do that. Anyways, here you go, hope you like it.
Flowers for the picking? Don your divegear and dive the Rainbow Warrior at night. This variety of jewel anemone grows on the railings where it swells from insignificant lumps by day to half a finger at night. Jewel anemones occur in an amazing variety of colour, many fluorescing bright pinks, oranges and yellows in the monotonously blue depths. Baby anemones simply sprout from the parent's foot as these walk around a bit - birth without pain.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
If I remember correctly, they're a cold water species from Australia.
Right accent, wrong continent. They're from Great Britain. They live all along the western coasts of the British Isles. That's a relatively small area but the range of water temp is huge. One of the areas, the southwestern tip of England, is in the gulf stream and the water temp there hits about 76 degrees in the summer. The northern end of their range is only a few hundred miles from the Arctic Ocean.
Apparently there is a lot of debate over whether they're anemones or coral. If you look at the pic you'll see thats actually a colony of them.


Active Member
From some quick searching.....
The Rainbow Warrior is a wreck site at the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. The animals are Corallimorpharia: Coral anemones, commonly refered to as mushrooms....
They are a cold water species of the genus Corynactis....Many species are found in many parts of the world, including Corynactis californica, that is found off the coast of...........California.
Makes me want to start a cold water system......ummm, chillers, $$$


New Member
You dont necessarily need a chiller for a colder water aquarium. I have a gulf of maine tank and while it gets pretty chilly here in the winter it also gets some gulf stream in the summer so the critters are able to toleate higher tempratures. Instead of running a heater or chiller they simply live at room temprature. Basically its summer all year round for them. Ive had the tank for 2 years and its doin fine. :)


Active Member
Thanks icy....Im in S. Florida where it really is summer all year round......
What do you keep in the '' Maine Tank '', got any Jewels like in the photo...??


New Member
No, I dont have any of the jewls from the photo. I have a small lobster, some muscles, clams (they hide in the sand), an eelfish (fish not an eel, just looks like one), a blood star, whatever the normal starfish around here are, some green crabs (not the kind they sell on SWF), a green sea urchin, 2 limpets, a small flounder, 2 hermit crabs, and an assortment of snails that are local. I am getting a digital camera for xmas so hopefully ill be able to post pics after i get back from vacation. The total cost of this tank so far has been about 50$ since when I do suction sampling for my job I save the critters that we dont use that im supposed to kill. The only costs invoved were a DIY light set up that I made from stuff at true value and a pump. I used rock and sand from the beaches around here and have a constant supply of food for everyone from the ocean.