Cool As A Pink Cucumber


Active Member
Promise, are pipefish hard to care for? How do you feed them? Do they have to have live foods? I'm considering getting one for my seahorse tank.


Active Member
Thanks NM and jawfish101. Hi alyssia, yes they are very difficult to keep. Are your horses wild caught or tankraised? My pipefish eat pods and critters they find in the tank..just like mandarins. I have a pair of African bluestripe pipes in my refugium,and the female dragonface in the display. They have very tiny mouths.


sorry to be off subject but would clowns and seahorses be ok in a tank together?
your tank inhabitants look awesome by the way


Active Member
Originally Posted by jakebtc
sorry to be off subject but would clowns and seahorses be ok in a tank together?
your tank inhabitants look awesome by the way

It would be hit or miss. I had a clown in with my horses that was fine but I have heard others say their clowns didn't do good with their horses.


Active Member
No..nothing that is aggressive in any way or that will outcompete the seahorses. They also need different flow...very low. Tank raised is best, as the wild ones can come in with some terrible diseases. Prepare to pay a good chunk of change for them though. Pipefish and mandarins are considered good tankmates for seahorses. Also, no corals that can sting,aggressive inverts or anemones.


ok I've been think about doing a corner tank in the bedroom with a couple clowns and horses
but don't want to risk it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Thanks NM and jawfish101. Hi alyssia, yes they are very difficult to keep. Are your horses wild caught or tankraised? My pipefish eat pods and critters they find in the tank..just like mandarins. I have a pair of African bluestripe pipes in my refugium,and the female dragonface in the display. They have very tiny mouths.

They are CB. They eat frozen mysis. I will have to pass on the pipefish, my horses are only in a 29 so I wouldn't have enough LR to support a high pod population.

Plus, I don't know if you can get CB pipefish and with WC I'd be afraid of introducing parasites into the tank. I hadn't even thought of that before so I'm glad you asked that question!