Cooling fan question???


I know this sounds like a dumb question. But exactly where do you put cooling fan in the hood. I have a 55 canopy with a open back.


I cut three holes on the top of my canopy and put the fans underneath the top of the canopy so they are pulling in cool air. It seems to work well for me. My tank used to be 84 deg now it stays at 78 to 80 deg. :)


I have two fans in each end on my canopy, all blowing cool air into the tank, my temp stays down to 78.

nm reef

Active Member
Most fans I've seen are installed on the ends of the canopy and pull air in...blowing air along the water surface. My canopy is open back also and is ventalated along the top. My temp normally ranges 78-82 degrees without using fans. Except for the fan in the back room that blows across my refugium.:cool:


Active Member
You can place fans on the ends, on the top, in the back, wherever you want.
They can be blowing in, exhausting out or any combination of in and out.
The key is to keep the air moving in the enclosure containing the lights, and to keep the air moving just above your water surface.
Personally .... I mount the fans in the top of the canopy, both blowing warm air out, allowing room temperature air to be pulled in the bottom, past the lamps and out the top.
Heat rises


Active Member
We put 4 fans in ours. Two mounted to draw air in, and two to push it out. They are switchable depending on how much air flow is needed.


To you guys (and girls) who have fans in the lids of your canopies: How do you keep the light from shining out through the top of your canopy? I would love to port my canopy lid, but I haven't thought of a good way to do this.


Active Member
I've got reflectors mounted up near the ceiling in the canopy.
These block almost all of the light throught the fan holes.
I've got an opening in the back of the canopy that lets out a good deal of light - so I don't really notice any escaping out the top.


Active Member
I have a 4" fan on each end of my canopy. The light beams out like a flashlight... There is nothing to block the light... or the air flow.
o-ya, I have one blowing in and one blowing out...

richard rendos

Active Member
I have a 4" fan in the side of my canopy blowing air into the canopy, and a 4" fan in the top blowing air out of the canopy. I use computer fans because they are mostly plastic...very few metal parts. The 4" AC fans from radio shack are mostly, if not all, metal. They rust out very quickly.