Cooling fan wires underneath reflectors


I'm building a canopy and installing 2 adaptec 4 1/2" fans in the top blowing into the water. I have 2 96W actinic retrofit reflectors on the front & back. My question is: If I run the wires from the fans underneath the reflectors, out the back and screw them down into the canopy, will the wires get too hot? Or with the lamps being suspended in brackets an inch or two off the reflectors, should it be fine? I have 2 250W halides in there as well but the fan wires will not be anywhere near them. All opinions, experience welcome. :thinking:


Active Member
I see essentially no chance of issues.
There should be no heat issues... if there will be any problem, it would be the wires getting cut into by the pressure of the reflectors, but if you watch for sharp edges you'll be fine.