
keith gray

Does anyone have a picture of a copepd ? I have dozens of pinhead size whitish looking worms ? They have attached to the backwall of my tank and they do not move. Is this what they are ? :help:


Active Member
mine are too small too take pictures of, but they are small little white things like the size of a head of a pin. they are very fast and scurry around the glass. i dont have fish in the tank yet, and i think there taking over theres soo many of them.

keith gray

I am told these are beneficial to a tank, but mine don't appear to move. I don't know if that is what they are or not. If you get a pic show me


Active Member
heres some pics, its the best i could get, ill try to get some better ones in a lil bit :)


Active Member
The things you are describing aren't pods. They are a super tiny featherduster I think. There was a thread about them recently. At anyrate they are harmless and normal in the progression of a new tank. I have a lot of them inside my skimmer and my mini-fuge.

keith gray

Thanks to everyone for the pics and info. What I have is not what I see here. Mine look more like tiny white worms. But they are not moving - just sticking to the glass.