Copepod Eaters??


I seem to be overrun with copepods in my 33 gal reef, I would like to know which animals you guys feel are the best to keep them under control? Thanks


A mandarin would clean house, but I feel that the tank is to small to sustain it after that. I have the same problem in my nano 24g. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DEK196
A mandarin would clean house, but I feel that the tank is to small to sustain it after that. I have the same problem in my nano 24g. Good luck.
yeah, that would be the problem. they would run the house until there are no more. You realy dont need to control their numbers. they dont do any harm, only good. Most small fish will eat them. A generaly good thing to have.


They are a good thing. Don't be so quick to rid them. Their population will either decrease soon or you are helping them flourish by over feeding. If you are helping them then you want them there cause you are overfeeding.


Active Member
I agree with Tizz. Mine seem to "cycle" many, then few, then many, then few and so on and so on...2 months or so to go thru cycle


Active Member
definatly...... when i first started my reef, i had sooooo many pods. all different types too. This is not even an exageration; but whenever hermits would go through the sadbed, it would looke like the sand was moving!
i still have a lot, but not nearly as much!


i've have been keeping a green spotted mandrian in my 29gal for the last 2 years
35 lbs of live rock
40 lbs of live sand
quite healthy and actiive not saying it will work for u but has worked for me also have 1 clown fish 1 lmb 1 seahorse and they all live happy least when i'm staring in the tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Meekel454
i've have been keeping a green spotted mandrian in my 29gal for the last 2 years
35 lbs of live rock
40 lbs of live sand
quite healthy and actiive not saying it will work for u but has worked for me also have 1 clown fish 1 lmb 1 seahorse and they all live happy least when i'm staring in the tank
youve been keeping a mandarin with 35 pounds of lr in a 29 for two years? do you have a refugium? Does it eat prepared foods?


Thanks for all the replies, I know it's not from overfeeding because there are no fish in the tank, but maybe I'll have to try a mandarin, I've had one many years ago and loved the little guys, thanks for all the help :cheer:


Active Member
i would seriously advise against it in a tank that size unless you can find the super rare one that would eat prepared foods.


Originally Posted by fishieness
youve been keeping a mandarin with 35 pounds of lr in a 29 for two years? do you have a refugium? Does it eat prepared foods?

no i do not have a refugium, and i've never seen her eat anything that i've put in the tank, i have a fluval 404 and when ever i clean it out i dump the water back into the tank, the filter is just loaded with them i can hardly see the carbon there's so many in there. when i pour the water back into the tank she dosen't go into a feeding frenzy like she's eating only once a month or anything,
oh and i've had the tank for 5 years with lr before i put her in there too.
i would agree for the most part that this fish would be better suited in a larger tank because of the pod population.
when i got the mandrian i wasn't aware of the requirments for keeping the fish. luckily for the fish it has worked out.
when i bought my seahorse i readed up on them for like two weeks before i went and got one.