copepod farm


Active Member
I was thinking about getting a blue mandarin but i read up on them and asked the FS and they all say it would probably die withen a month. I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 clown fish and a valentiini puffer. i also have about 25 pounds of live rock. anyways i was wondering if i could make a copepod farm or make them reproduce alot in my tank. Anyideas how o chould do this?


Active Member
ive also herd of putting a dish scrubber in the tank and covering it with rocks so copepods can breed without fish eating them. would that work


you could start your copepod population now and when you get a bigger tank just transfer the contents including the copepods.
Copepods are best grown in a sump so that predators cant get to them. But my LFS guy has a 75 gallon with no sump and he has a really fat and happy mandarin in his tank and loads of copepods that go scurrying around when the lights come on.
I seeded my tank 3 months ago with a jar of DT's copepods and now I have a like a gazillion of them. they are all over the glass/rocks, everything.
started a sump/fuge recently and they got in there without even having to transfer them, i found them in my cheato allready so they should start going to town down there too.
they eat phytoplankton so its a good idea to dose some phyto (DT's also makes this) to give them something to eat

crypt keeper

Active Member
Mandys really need over 100 pounds of live rock for grazing. The IMO you could set up a 30 Gallon fuge with a dsp and rock and cheato. This will grow pods crazy. It could work. But the mor elive rock the better and the bigger the fuge the better. a 30 gallon fuge would be great. I thought about getting one as well.


if you can get a mandarin that eats brines shrimp or other frozen foods you would do better. I have a 55 gal reff with 50lbs live rock and a 2.5 gal hang on refugium. I have a fat and happy dragonet. I also have a Leopard Wrasse who is eating a ton of pods. I've added a couple containers of pods to the tank and refugium though.