copepod population


If i were to add a pile of live rock rubble in my 55 gallon reef tank and pour a bottle of copepods in the tank, what are the odds that I could maintain a population of copepods in the tank to provide a constant source of food for my fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by IamjoshieG
If i were to add a pile of live rock rubble in my 55 gallon reef tank and pour a bottle of copepods in the tank, what are the odds that I could maintain a population of copepods in the tank to provide a constant source of food for my fish?
VERY VERY SLIM,, you really need a refugium, at least 100lbs of live rock and a tank of at least a year old to build the colony.


wow, 100 pounds? I couldnt set up a 10 gallon tank just to breed copepods? what are some other type of live foods that I could breed for fish food? I know brine shrimp is easy but have little nutritional value.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
VERY VERY SLIM,, you really need a refugium, at least 100lbs of live rock and a tank of at least a year old to build the colony.
My 180 has about 180 Lbs. of rock. My 50 gallon refugium has about 40 Lbs. rubble, sand, and crazy growing Chaeto. It's full of pods. Tank was moved and refugium set up at the beginning of October.
The problem with a 55 gallon tank is that the fish predate the same areas over and over. Basically if a pod moves it gets eaten. The same can happen in an overstocked larger tank.
You could certainly raise pods in a 10 or 20 gallon, but as soon as they hit your display the bulk will be eaten (provided you have fish that eat them).


Active Member
I could never have a mandarin, even with my fuge becasue every single one of my fishes loves pods, even the damsels.