Copepods homes Must have Great for any tank



I just wanted to tell everyone out there about this great copepods homes they are easy to install and worth the money
Just type in ---- "copepods homes" all u have to do is add sea grass inside of it
and place inside ur tank
Please tell me what u think also if u have any Questions



Active Member
What is the thought process behind using sea grass?
Sea grass is protected in the US, and is pretty hard to find for sale.


yes I did make this and I didnt mean sea grass I meant all of the types of grass u could put in this like red garciliaria or shaving brush and agar.... me and my friend who owns a saltwater store help me design it If u want to send me a privite message for any questions please do


Active Member
Originally Posted by Denniscoy420
yes I did make this and I didnt mean sea grass I meant all of the types of grass u could put in this like red garciliaria or shaving brush and agar.... me and my friend who owns a saltwater store help me design it If u want to send me a privite message for any questions please do
Sea grass, which is a true flowering plant, is vastly different (separated at the Kingdom level I believe) from those algae species you just mentioned. With this product, the use of algae seems pretty important, and with that discrepancy, I hope you can see why I, or other customers may have issues with the validity of the product and the amount of research that perhaps went into it.

gill again68

Active Member
Why would you not just drill some holes in some PVC put filter floss in that and cap it on both ends? Wouldnt that give you what you need?
I just dont like the idea of the algae.


Active Member
I like the idea, it just seems a little impracticle when you can just pile up some rock rubble in your tank and that will do just about the same thing, but maybe if you have a diamond goby or something that likes to move stuff around, i can see where that could come into play


So Sorry about the spelling and such it was real late when I did this post
also I made this so that the copepods have a safe place to reproduce without be eaten by the other fish when they hide in the rocks the fish can always hunt them down but with this "homepod" they have a safe and secure place to breed and prosper
also the pvc pipe doesnt let in enough light or flow even with holes
we tryed my different versions of this product



Originally Posted by Denniscoy420
So Sorry about the spelling and such it was real late when I did this post
also I made this so that the copepods have a safe place to reproduce without be eaten by the other fish when they hide in the rocks the fish can always hunt them down but with this "homepod" they have a safe and secure place to breed and prosper
also the pvc pipe doesnt let in enough light or flow even with holes
we tryed many different versions of this product
Please spread the word
this product will change the way we breed copepods in our tanks


Also u can find this item at the most popular auction site on the web
e b a y


WOW $10 + $5 for shipping on an item I can make myself for about a buck and a half. That is a sweet mark up.


the Black wrap only comes in big bluck 38$ for a roll
and the caps are 3$ and the shipping I cant help I was think of selling them for 7$ but was not sure how much shipping would cost me around the US
and I am not trying to rip anybody off just trying to help people having copepods in there tank
refugium are $$$ and this is a cheap easy way to breed copepods in a 55 gallon or smaller tank that does not have a refugium or a sump tank underneath
also u are welcome to try to build one cheaper and that has the abilty
to have good light and good flow but thanks for ur input Aquaman