copepods in canister filter?


Is it possile to breed copepods in one of the 4 compartments of a Fluval 405 canister filter?
I ask because:
1- I used to have a lot of these inverts in my DT (90 gal LR/LS/No fuge). I don't see any now.... probably all eaten by the fish....
2- Each time I clean the filter, I see copepods. I try not to wash them away but it's hard not to....
The idea is to have a dedicated refugium for copepods in one compartment of the filter....
Is it doable/have anyone tried/are there benefits????


Active Member
There are a few diy threads where users created a refugium out of a HOB filter, so I don't see why it wouldn't work. Post pics of your progress for others to see.


Originally Posted by m0nk
There are a few diy threads where users created a refugium out of a HOB filter, so I don't see why it wouldn't work. Post pics of your progress for others to see.

If I'am not mistaking, HOB means Hang On Back: filters attached outside the tank.
Correct me if I'am wrong.
I'am talking about canister filters, completely detached from the tank.
Does that make a difference about raising copepods? (no light, for example).l


Well-Known Member
The thing about doing something that no one else has ever done is that you're not going to get too much advice on how to do it.
If you do it, and see how it goes, and if it works well, post it and teach others about it! Copepods do not require light in order to survive. They actually like dark areas that are away from any fish. You can actually create some PVC pipes etc. that helps them reproduce and everything away from the hungry jaws of fish.


Active Member
I don't really think so, here is the problem, there is a giant, pod shredding device, (the impeller). Likewise, how are they going to get past all the sponges? The whole design of the canister filter is to capture the small stuff particulates and pods are pretty big. They get sucked in and can't get back out. a hob filter would be better because the impeller is sucking water in not pushing water out like a canister filter does.