copper and hypo performed together?


Sorry if this was posted somewhere, but I didn't see anything that specifically answered this. If I am doing a copper treatment for ich, do I do this at normal salinity or is it performed in hypo? What is the time period required in copper treatment? I have had my fish in hypo for 2 weeks and the ick returned (apparently my salinity rose to 1.012, and that was enough to let it return), so I am considering a copper treatment. The fish as of right now are all strong, eating, and (except for the latent ick) healthy, so I think they could take the treatment.
But do I discontinue hypo first??
My fish (and wallet) thank you all


Staff member
Both treatments work equally as well, but hypo is safer for the fish. They require equal time.
I strongly suggest that you just stick with one treatment, the hypo. You botched it by not atttending to the salinity, so start over. There is no reason to assume that copper will be any easier, you must also maintain theraputic copper levels using this medication, thus you must be just as attentive to measuring levels.


From what I've read, to treat for ich using a QT tank, 1.009 salinity and about a month's worth of patience should do the trick (and of course normal tank maintenance).
Don't know if you use a refractometer but the Basic FAQ at the top of this forum suggests to use one to obtain a precision salinity level and to keep it that way for at least 3 weeks, increasing to proper levels during the 4th week before placing the fish back into your display.
I guess the key is to maintain the correct hypo parameters, which might include checking it everyday. Others may have additional insights.
Good luck, I'm going through hypo too.


I am in the process of getting a refractometer... LFS don't have any, so I am stuck with a plastic swingarm meter until new one arrives. I am trying to "calibrate" it to get a better estimate of where I need to be (comparing reading of RO water with no salt, water with half normal salt level, water with full salt, etc). I was busy over the last few days and forgot to check salinity. It had crept up due to evaporation (a big problem in my house -- it's really dry). So, starting over.... I have done hypo before (about 8 months ago -- saved one of the fish, the other didn't make it), so it's not new, just painful!!
Good luck with yours!!


Staff member
You can start working on getting the salinity down with the swing-arm, but don't even think that that instrument can get into even the ballpark for accuracy. I would not even use that for normal use.
You best bet when you get the refract is to throw the swingarm away.