copper and quarantine

I have finally cycled my qt... ammonia is at 0 after my impatient disaster... my question is, can you add fish to a tank already containing copper or should you let the fish adjust than add copper... I have copper power... it says i should keep the parameters at 2.5... has anyone used this copper before?


Staff member
You can add the fish, but you still have to acclimate all fish when they are moving to a new tank.


I thinks it's best to use copper and test kit from the same manufacturer. I have "Cupramine" and a copper "MultiTest" kit both manufactured by Seachem. The Seachem literature recommends a level not to exceed 0.6 mg/L. Who is the manufacturer of your copper product and what level do they recommend? I'm not sure what the "2.5" measure is on the API test, but it probably is to be used with their copper product, so I would be very careful if I were you since an overdose could be fatal to your fish.


Staff member
Yes, it is best to use copper test kits that are compatible. And then follow the directions.
Upsettingly There Isn't A Clear Manufacturer... Not Brand Wise Anyway... How Do I Go About Removing The Copper From The Water And Starting With A Different Choice... I Guess It Says 2.5 Because Its Supposedly 60 Times Less Toxic


I'm guessing you have sick fish, so time is important. You might try calling API (1-800-847-0659) or use their web site and ask them what the therapeutic level shoul read on the test kit you have. You can then adjust your dose to the correct level. If it's too high, you can do water changes or use carbon in your filter to remove the copper or you can do both. Once you have the correct level of copper, you can't have any carbon in the filter or it will keep removing the copper. For copper treatment to be effective, it can't be too high or to low, so best use compatable copper and test kit. Hope everything works out.