Copper for Ich advice needed


Hello All,
I came to conclusion that my fishes has ich. Originaly i had 6 fish "Picasso, clown, pink tail trigger, porcupine puffer, yellow tang and lionfish". From my recent move, my pink tail started to develop cloudy eye. So, i quarantine him and used myacin for 5 days and seemed to be doing better and active and ate like a pig. So i moved him back to the display tank and 2 days later he started to develop large brown scars throughout his body and very weak and eyes are cloudier than before i started treatment. So i removed him and put him back in the quarantine tank with new fresh water and myacin and 8 hrs later he died. At the same time i noticed my clown trigger, lionfish and puffer are also developing cloudy eyes and my tang has brown sandy particles all over his body. The clown had it worst and he is weak. So i did the samething, quarantine him and put myacin and needless to say 4 hrs later he died. I was thinking, perhaps the water in this new house is not that great. When i moved to this house a month and half ago i bought a new Ro/Di system and the last chamber where the sponge is orange color, which i assume is rust. But ofcourse i started the water with out the RO/DI. Trying to fill up 220gal with RO/DI i could wait a year and it would fill up half way.
After reading few threads, came to realize i wasnt dealing with bad water, i was dealing with ich and possibly oodinium. So i now moved my puffer, tang and lionfish to a new qarantine tank with low salt 1.02 and did fresh water dip first and the tang seemed to be doing better with all of the spot gone and the puffer's eye is starting to get better and the lionfish is somewhat weak and he developed some kind of film on him and his skin look deteriorated, however the eye is not as cloudy. So i dipped him in freas water for about 2 minutes and today he is a little better. The tang and puffer is eating, but the lion isnt. So far i'm doing partial water change once a day since i only have a 10 gal quarantine with 3 fish in it i didnt want to have amonia level high.
I bought my self a new 10 gal tank from lfs for $7 and started new set of salt water with 1.02 level and i wanted to put this copper base medicine called MarOxy for saltwater made by Mardel laboratories. What are your thoughts? anyone ever used it?
As far as the picasso, he is still in the 220 gal tank by himself and seemed to be ok and no treatment except feeding him garlic soaked dried krill. i cannot treat the whole 220gal tank, because for one i have live sand in it and second most important thing is i have a 75 gal reef tank with 200lbs of live rock and about 150lbs of live sand sharing the same filtration in a seperate fish room. So i cant really dissamble the plumbing.
i can however shut off the plumbing independently and leave the 220 with no filtration. I have 5 little fish in the reef tank and they all seemed to be ok (cinammon clown, pajama cardinal, firefish, mandarin goby and scooter blenny).
i need advice what i can do to treat the fishes from the 220gal. 3 of them are now in 1 ten gal tank last myacin treatment was yesterday. Can i just move those 3 fish in the new ten gal and treat it with MarOxy and dump out the old 10gal water and start new batch of salt water and treat the picasso?
please advice. Everyone seemed to be ok, except the lion is still abit weak and not eating, but everyone else is eating ok.
I also bought melafix as well, or should i treat them with melafix instead of the MarOxy?
here's the website address for Mardel. I'm not sure if it is what i need to medicate these fish
FYI. i moved about 100gal of old water from my old place where it had been established for about half of year. so not every part of water when i moved to the new house is new batch
please help!
thank you,