copper in a new tank


New Member
i'm fairly new to the hobby and after reading about copper with inverts have a bit of a concern.
I started a 36x12x12 tank with a standard 10 gallon sump/refugium, my plans are to fill with uncured live rock and let it do its thing for 3+ months before adding concern is that the tank was used previously (in storage for 5 years)and i dont know if it had copper introduced.
What are the chances copper could be leaching at undetectable levels?.
Is there a lifespan for copper leach from silicone?.
or am i being paranoid
any advice is appreciated


Active Member
We've got someone picking us up a copper test in town tomorrow :) (We're kind of isolated)


I used copper with the LR and LS I have in my reef tank. When It was a FOWR I used copper to treat the whole tank. A year later I started to convert to a reef tank. I didn't even think about it till months into my reef tank and had no problems. I always use carbon so overtime It was all removed.


If the tank has been sitting, with nothing in it, for five years then I would not be overly concerned. Is this going to be a reef? If so then add some cheaper coral first to be sure that they do well.


Active Member
Its unlikely to be a problem, IMO....
And if this Keri person continues to give you trouble, just let us know ...


New Member
that keri chick gives me nothing but trouble everyday

I tested the tank and it shows no trace so I dropped the rock in.
Now the long wait to add something that moves.


Originally Posted by drewthenoob
that keri chick gives me nothing but trouble everyday

I tested the tank and it shows no trace so I dropped the rock in.
Now the long wait to add something that moves.
I realy don't think that the tank is going to be a problem, but if Keri has a very small frag to let you place in there, once you have adequate lights, then that will tell you if the tank is good for a reef or not. Give it a few months to thrive, if it does then you are good to go. This is after the cycle and the other fun of a new tank. Wait for the tank to stabelize first.


Originally Posted by Keri
ha ha ha... yeah, maybe, something small...if you're very, very good ;)
LOL too cute!
How long have you been together?


Originally Posted by Keri
Long enough to get married

LOL, now I see why drewthenoob is being harassed..