copper leaching

david a p

New Member
Just switch over to salt water ,still cycling the tank.It is an old school tank with a slate bottom (50gal)I am guessing from the 1960's or 1970's.I have had it for 17 years as a fresh and brackish tank.I have treated with copper in this tank about 3-4 years ago.Can I ever put inverts in this tank?

mr . salty

Active Member
Probably not,but you should get a copper test kit and test the water.That slate bottom willabsorb copper,and may stillbe leaching it into the water...If the test is ZERO,then you should be able to have inverts..GOOD LUCK....BTW,If it has a slate bottom,does it also have steel corner bracing??? If so you may want to rethink using this antique as a marine tank.The metal WILL corrode and ruin the tank...