copper power


Active Member
anyone heard of copper power? i am using it on my naso
I was wondering, the dose on the bottle says 1 fluid once oer 20 gallons, any ideas how to measure that. i poured in 1 1/2 cap fulls in a 10 gallon tank.
any ideas?


Staff member
bergamer, I've never heard of it. What type of copper is it and what test kit are you using to test it?
What problem do you have that you need to use medications?


Active Member
i didn't know I needed a test kit:confused: what kind of test kit should I get?
and it has 1.26% copper sulfate
and I hope it is ich that my naso has, as it does look like its growing out of his face and appears to be getting somewhat smaller in the last day or so, he has been in a qt for only a few days
the guy at the fish store told me that copperpower was really good and it would fix my fish in a week.
and it was not the most expensive stuff, in fact it was the lower on the price than most others he sells


Active Member
well, i answered my own question :happy:
after further reading of your column, the fish store people have no idea what they are talking about