Copper with Formalin and Protein Skimming


Due to an ICH outbreak, I've recently pulled all the fish out of my reef tank (what a joy that was) and placed them in two separate QT tanks. I've been searching for the answer to this, but I haven't found it. I also have never tried this.
My question is this.....I have heard of using copper and formalin together for a double whammy against ICH. I've always just used one or the other. The formalin mainly as a dip. Are there any side-effects to this, and is it immediately dangerous for the fish? Furthermore, I haven't seen any real conclusive reports that protein skimming, while treating the fish with copper is OK. Will this extract the copper from the water? Again, something I've never tried. I've always just kept the skimmer off, but why do so, if I can leave it on?
I've currenlty dosed both QT tanks with copper at a .3 reading. I haven't added the formalin yet.
fish being treated:
yellow tang
powder blue tang
emperor angel
percula clown
watchman gobie


Active Member
i def wouldnt recomend adding formaline to this mix the copper itself will be effective on its own for ich.formaline is best used as a dip its a very harsh chemical( formeldahyde) more so that copper.combining these two could be detrimental to your fishes sure sure to monitor your dosing and copper levels if you are using a type that requires testing an over dose of copper can be surre to add a slime coat builder to your tank before introducing them back into it copper does strip this off the fish .


Thanks. I've heard mixed things about adding copper to formalin. Maybe I'll wait for some more responses, before I definitively decide.


Staff member
Marine, copper and formalin together is a formula for very sick fish. Please try using hyposalinity. The FAQ Thread stickied at the top of this forum has detailed explanation of ich, treatment, as well as hyposalinity.


Thanks Beth. I haven't put in the Formalin with the copper. The fish are actually doing great right now with just coppersafe. No visible parasites. I'll keep them in QT for the full time. I've had great success with hypo in the past, but I was kind of lazy this time around and opted for the copper. So far so good.